Transplanisphere becomes a member of UNESCO Club

Transplanisphere becomes a member of UNESCO Club

  • 1 juin 2019
  • 1337

In June 2019, the jury of the French Commission of Clubs of UNESCO selected La Transplanisphere to join the group of labelled French associations and take part in the following actions The Charter of Values ​​of the French Club Network of UNESCO UNESCO is an intergovernmental organisation and one of the specialised agencies of the United Nations; it works for the coordination of international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication. The mission of UNESCO is to « contribute to the maintenance of peace and security by strengthening through education, science

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The Acts of the Desert – Art Week 2019, Schweitzer high school

The Acts of the Desert – Art Week 2019, Schweitzer high school

  • 13 mai 2019
  • 1253

2019 Arts Week at the Schweitzer High School in the Raincy (93)` A representation of the Acts of the desert, creation of the Vivons! company with Transplanisphere and Métonymie was given at the Schweitzer High School in Raincy as part of the residence sas>schweitzer. A show created by Smaïl Kanouté mixing dance, music and graphics, directed by Bruno Freyssinet, Smaïl Kanouté, dancer-choreographer and graphic designer, accompanied by the musician, Baptiste Darsoulant, at the kora, created a visual, musical and poetic tale, inspired by the path travelled by his parents, between the Mali

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Polart Circle – Event Out from Other at Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe, Cité Internationale, Paris

Polart Circle – Event Out from Other at Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe, Cité Internationale, Paris

  • 4 mai 2019
  • 1346

In the frame of Polart Circle events, Transplanisphere associated with Stand France NGO to organize an event at Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe – Cité Internationale, Paris, on May 4th 2019 Hosted in a beautiful ancient ballroom, the programme combined artistic presentation and talks about Polart Circle and other citizens initiatives. In a side room, participants could also watch a video telling about a previous Polart Circle experience in Sciences Po Paris and another video presenting the basics of Polart Circle. Programme 6 pm, Food and Drink before the event

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Open European Societies – London meeting, March 2019

Open European Societies – London meeting, March 2019

  • 16 mars 2019
  • 1256

15-18 March 2019 The event “Performing Migration: Personal Stories Past & Present” was held at the University of Greenwich on 16th March 2019 hosted by the European Reminiscence Network, the University of Greenwich and Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V., Dresden, Germany. The event looked at reminiscence arts work and performance pieces based on the lived experience of migration now and in the past. Performances, exhibitions and lectures took place. The “OPEN EUROPEAN SOCIETIES” project aims to raise awareness on the long History of Migration in Europe which arose from the aftermath

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Polart Circle – Event on Brexit, Sciences Po Paris

Polart Circle – Event on Brexit, Sciences Po Paris

  • 23 janvier 2019
  • 1393

January 23 2019. As part of Sciences Po Paris, Rue St Guillaume, 20 students and teachers from different universities and schools in the Paris region were invited to participate in an event as part of the European project Polart Circle. Sciences Po students participating in the Polart Circle collective project hosted a workshop on Brexit showing the documentary theatre methodology developed by the Transplanisphere. Beyond the practical experience, participants were also able to learn about the different dimensions of the Polart Circle project, Mooc video productions accessible online. The presentation

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europefiction – art creates future

europefiction – art creates future

  • 10 janvier 2019
  • 1604

At the Schweitzer High School in Raincy, the europefiction workshop associates student volunteers with former high school students and university students (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, EICAR audiovisual school, etc.) During these workshops, the artistic team of the Transplanisphère involves theatre, body expression, music and video work. This group works over 2 years in pairs with a group based in Dortmund, made up of Germans and refugees from the KJT theatre. The europefiction project indeed combines German theatres with European artistic companies. Here, five theatres in the Ruhr area have partnered with

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Polart Circle _ Partners meeting in Riddarhyttan, October 2018

Polart Circle _ Partners meeting in Riddarhyttan, October 2018

  • 14 octobre 2018
  • 1344

     The fourth meeting of partners was held in Riddarhyttan (Sweden) on 13 and 14 October 2018, organized by Teatermaskinen. The meeting allowed the partners to take stock of Polart Circle’s actions in 2018 and to establish the schedule for the final year of the project. Saturday 13, October 2018 Transplanisphere offers an overview of the second part of the completed project. Round table. Report of the partners of the activities. Estimated Agenda 2019. Budgetary issues: What was funded? Which reports? What is left to finance? Elements of the interim

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Polart Circle – Presentation at the 7th EPALE France Thematic Meeting

Polart Circle – Presentation at the 7th EPALE France Thematic Meeting

  • 26 avril 2018
  • 1313

Presentation of Polart Circle / What pedagogical approaches for adult education? 7th thematic meeting EPALE France On 26 April 2018, EPALE France organised in Paris its 7th thematic meeting on the theme of « Cultural action: what pedagogical approaches for adult education? ». Among the guests, Bruno Freyssinet (coordinator of the Polart Circle project for  Transplansiphere) presented: The creativity of the citizens by the digital – The Erasmus project “Polart Circle” by Transplanisphere, cultural actions with France, Sweden, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. Discover the EPALE

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Polart Circle – Partners meeting in Athens, March 2018

Polart Circle – Partners meeting in Athens, March 2018

  • 20 mars 2018
  • 1314

The third partners meeting happened in Athens in March 2018, 2-3, hosted by ODC Ensemble. The schedule of the meeting allowed the partners to share the first developments of Polart Circle in their respective countries and to do a round table about everyone propositions to improve the ongoing project. Friday 2, March 2018 Energizer. Transplanisphere overview of the first part. Round table. Partners report of the activities. What went well/wrong? The estimative coming agenda 18-19. Budget issues: What has been funded? What reporting? What remains to be funded? Elements on

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Polart Circle – Paris second partners meeting, April 17

Polart Circle – Paris second partners meeting, April 17

  • 22 avril 2017
  • 1307

The second partners meeting happened in Paris in April 2017, 22-23, hosted by Transplanisphère at Cité des Sciences. The schedule of the meeting allowed the partners to go deeper in the program and the tasks related to Polart Circle, with the experience of 4 months of activities. Monday 22 A quick overview of the project • Erasmus+ Keywords • The partners • The 3-year agenda • The activities • Focus on the Moocs • Focus on the multiplier Events • Focus on the Web platform and communication strategy. Tuesday 23

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