Bruno Freyssinet participated in the conference « Towards an Intercultural Europe … » organized by the Syndeac (National Union of Artistic and Cultural Enterprises) in collaboration with Relais Culture Europe. He presented Transplanisphere’s cooperation projects and debated the new forms of European art projects. Towards an intercultural Europe … New forms of organization, new forms of responsible alliances for different uses at the Maison de l’Europe, Paris / Monday, October 28, 2019, from 6 pm to 9 pm Presentation text of the conference Art and Culture respond to the pressing question of
In front of an audience of 1,200 spectators gathered at the Place des Fêtes at Raincy (93), La Transplansiphère presented the show of the 150th anniversary of the City, in collaboration with local art companies: 400 Zoom, Lentement Mais Surement, Corps et Graphie. The orchestra Opus 13 was associated with the event. The schools of the City also participated, with students and teachers present on stage: Lycée Albert Schweitzer, College Corot, Elementary Schools of Fougères, Lafontaine and Thiers, School Tebrotzassere. The historical society of Raincy participated in the writing of
Europe creative days 2019, September 4th and 5th 2019, Anis Gras – Arcueil, Grand Paris France. In 2019, Transplanisphere was represented by Bruno Freyssinet at a talk organized by Relais Culture Europe on the occasion of the annual #Conversations on Europe Creative and European programmes for culture. He presented the ongoing projects Grow from Seeds, Polart Circle, Open European Societies and the future European Integrity Games.
La Transplanisphère took part in the Endecameron Youth Exchange 2019 meeting with 5 young French people accompanied by the director Bruno Freyssinet. 20 young Europeans (artists and students) met for 10 days for an artistic and civic exchange, supervised by professionals. The experience took place in Rocca Sinibalda – Posticciola (Lazio province, in the North of Rome, Italy), from August 1st to 12th, 2019. A project coordinated by Teatro Rigodon (Rieti, Italy) with Transplanisphere (Paris, France), ExQuorum (Evora, Portugal) and Vagalume (Vigo, Spain). With the support of the City of
The europefiction summer camp of 2019 took place at Consol Theater, in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. 12 French youngsters from the Paris region (including 7 from the Lycée Schweitzer du Raincy – 93) participated. 150 young people aged 16 to 23 came from 6 European partner countries. europefiction consists of two annual cycles. It started in June 2018 and will end in November 2020. 5 theatres in the Ruhr area enter into 5 bilateral collaborations with 5 theatres from other European countries. The summercamp 2020 takes place at KJT Dortmund [postponed due
The amateur and professional actors participating in the anniversary show of 150 years of the Raincy city (93) met for great reading at the Agora of the city. The team of the Transplanisphere, with the companies 400 Zoom and Lentement Mais sûrement have organized the working session, less than three months before the performance announced on 20 and 21 September 2019, Place des Fêtes in Raincy. Children from the schools of the city were also associated.
In June 2019, the jury of the French Commission of Clubs of UNESCO selected La Transplanisphere to join the group of labelled French associations and take part in the following actions The Charter of Values of the French Club Network of UNESCO UNESCO is an intergovernmental organisation and one of the specialised agencies of the United Nations; it works for the coordination of international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication. The mission of UNESCO is to « contribute to the maintenance of peace and security by strengthening through education, science
2019 Arts Week at the Schweitzer High School in the Raincy (93)` A representation of the Acts of the desert, creation of the Vivons! company with Transplanisphere and Métonymie was given at the Schweitzer High School in Raincy as part of the residence sas>schweitzer. A show created by Smaïl Kanouté mixing dance, music and graphics, directed by Bruno Freyssinet, Smaïl Kanouté, dancer-choreographer and graphic designer, accompanied by the musician, Baptiste Darsoulant, at the kora, created a visual, musical and poetic tale, inspired by the path travelled by his parents, between the Mali
In the frame of Polart Circle events, Transplanisphere associated with Stand France NGO to organize an event at Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe – Cité Internationale, Paris, on May 4th 2019 Hosted in a beautiful ancient ballroom, the programme combined artistic presentation and talks about Polart Circle and other citizens initiatives. In a side room, participants could also watch a video telling about a previous Polart Circle experience in Sciences Po Paris and another video presenting the basics of Polart Circle. Programme 6 pm, Food and Drink before the event
15-18 March 2019 The event “Performing Migration: Personal Stories Past & Present” was held at the University of Greenwich on 16th March 2019 hosted by the European Reminiscence Network, the University of Greenwich and Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V., Dresden, Germany. The event looked at reminiscence arts work and performance pieces based on the lived experience of migration now and in the past. Performances, exhibitions and lectures took place. The “OPEN EUROPEAN SOCIETIES” project aims to raise awareness on the long History of Migration in Europe which arose from the aftermath