2084 event at Nouveau Théâtre de l’Atalante – Paris (France)

Friday 28 February 2025
4pm and 7.30pm
10, place Charles Dullin, 75018 Paris
Somewhere on planet Earth, on the ocean, around the year 2084.
Forced to flee because of climate change, they travel on a raft of rubbish.
There is only a handful of them, the Earth’s population. What’s left of it.
And… they are all Animals.
The humans? They’re already dead, disappeared, fled to another planet, or who knows where. The survivors are like passengers on a 21st-century Noah’s Ark – searching for survival and a new beginning.
What will life be like after the Flood?
Directing and writing Mátyás Marofka
Dramaturgy Domonkos Dauner Mátyás Marofka O. Horváth Sári
Choreography Máté Czakó
Scenography Hanna Masznyik
Costumes Alexandra Auer
Music composition Víctor Morato Ribera
Light design, technician Marco Rubiol
Assistant to the director Alexandre Ben Mrad
Assistant intern Marilou Gaillard
Fanny Déglise
Tristan Leroy
Élisa Pézeril
Théotime Quaniche
Lucas Siri
Piano Grégory Veux

The project is co-financed by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme,
with the artistic participation of the Jeune théâtre national, the support of the Fonds d’insertion pour Jeunes Comédiens de l’ESAD-PSPBB and the ENSAD – Maison Louis Jouvet.
It is hosted by the Tréteaux de France and the Nouveau Théâtre de l’Atalante.