Europefiction Academy
Based on the europefiction experience, this project aims to design 6 methodologies proposing new artistic strategies to transmit the value of a democratic future to young people.
It aims to provide new spaces for young Europeans to express themselves on civic and political issues through art, using innovative methods.
The project proposes 6 methodologies created under the double prism of digital technologies and urban spaces, for youth professionals.
10 artistic companies from France, Holland, Portugal, Hungary, Germany and Belgium are gathered in this Erasmus+ supported partnership.
For the past two years, Europe has been experiencing not only a crisis of democratic participation but also a global health crisis that endangers artistic and civic work with young people.
In this context, how can youth be re-mobilized around the European issues that are important to them and how can their voices be heard?
For the past 5 years, the europefiction project has been giving young Europeans the opportunity to express themselves on civic issues through art.
In this new project Europefiction Academy, the aim is to open new spaces for this expression and to renew artistic creation with youth. Based on their experiences, the partners aim to create innovative methods that offer alternative ways of dealing with the current health context.

The project will respond to the new needs for structured methods, by exploring two major alternative paths: digital tools and site-specific work in urban spaces.
6 methods will be created and published in open access. Each method will involve 3 partners: 2 for the design, and one for the testing of the method. European training sessions on these methods will be organised, as well as promotional events.
The project will also contribute to accelerating the digital transformation of the sector. It will encourage new models of collaboration through virtual means, stimulating intercultural engagement and the development of the creative spirit among young people.
3 methods focusing on digital
3 methodologies are created around the following questions: How can we create via digital tools at a time when we can no longer travel? How to set up an inclusive dialogue with digital tools? How to create a new relationship with the public thanks to digital tools?
They will be combined with 3 topics reflecting young people’s concerns about Europe’s future: the Covid19 crisis, migrations, gender issues.
These methods will offer tools to set up local and inter-local workshops: online workshop process, online creativity, remote shared projects. The three topics explored will provide future users with concrete examples of how the tools can provoke creation.
3 methods focusing on urban spaces
3 methodologies around urban spaces are exploring the following questions: How can we gather and create together when we can no longer work in closed spaces? How to appropriate the urban space, its specificity, its public? How to link urban artistic experiences taking place in different cities?
They will be combined with 3 topics of primary importance for youth today: environment and global warming, economic crisis, democracy.
These methodologies will offer tools for setting up outdoor workshops in an urban context, possibly with an interurban dimension. They will also provide concrete examples of how the tools can provoke creation in-situ.
Project schedule
The 10 partners meet in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, to launch the project and plan the creation of the methods.
The partners design the first 3 methods in a digital framework. They explore 3 citizenship burning topics.
The first 3 methods are tested with local groups of participants, to get first feedback and improve the tools.
The partners are gathering in Paris to make a review of the first season of the project and the first results.
Several groups of 30 participants (young people and artists) are trained in the use of the 3 digital methodologies.
The partners meet in Portugal to launch the second season of the project and the creation of the next methods.
The partners design the last 3 methods around urban space and in-situ creation. 3 topics are explored.
The 3 methods on urban space are tested with local groups, to get first feedback and improve the tools.
Several groups of 30 participants (youth and artists) are trained in the use of the 3 methods on urban space.
The partners validate and publish the methods in open access on the website (PDF manuals and tutorial videos).
Promotional events are organized in the 6 partner countries to present the project and the methods.
The partners meet one last time in Rotterdam to close the project. They draw up a final report together.
The project is gathering 10 European artistic companies:
- In Germany : Consol Theater Gelsenkirchen (project coordinator), Junges Schauspielhaus Bochum, Helios Theater Hamm, Theaterkohlenpott Herne and KJT Dortmund.
- In France : La Transplanisphère from Paris.
- In the Netherlands : Theater Rotterdam.
- In Hungary : Kolibri Theatre from Budapest.
- In Portugal : ExQuorum from Evora.
- In Belgium : Agora Theater
The project is supported by Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Creativity.