Heading for 2022!
La Transplanisphere wishes you a happy wonderful year 2022 with great success in all your projects! As for the company, many projects are still in progress with future events and activities! But a new year also means new projects! Several collaborations with European partners are currently underway and will begin very soon.
To start this new chapter, the company presents you in this article its projects and announces the future arrivals!
Our current projects that will continue in 2022:
Our new projects starting in 2022:
Projects in progress in 2022
Artistic residency
For the past 5 years, La Transplanisphère has been in artistic residence at the Albert Schweitzer High School in Le Raincy (93), where it carries out numerous cultural and artistic activities with the students. Since the start of the 2020 school year, the company has extended its activities in the area by initiating a new partnership from the Lycée to the Maternelle. This residency associates: the Lycée Albert Schweitzer, the Collège Corot, the elementary schools Les Fougères and La Fontaine, and the nursery school Les Fougères. In 2021, the Charles de Gaulle high school in Rosny joined the partnership.
In 2022, the artistic workshops conducted by the Transplanisphere in these 7 schools will continue. The objective is to question intercultural dialogue through artistic creation. To bring students and teachers to question what characterises them as individuals, their roots and their social environment, in order to imagine how to make “common”.
Several European projects of the company are also associated with this residency. Numerous school workshops from kindergarten to high school are part of the Oratio Mix project, a group of high school students is participating in the europefiction project, and students from Rosny are associated with the Remixing Value project.
In April, the Printemps des Arts festival organised each year by Transplanisphère at the Albert Schweitzer high school gives students from all the schools the opportunity to come together to present their artistic performances.
In parallel, the company also runs occasional workshops at the Maurice Utrillo high school in Stains.
Website: schweitzer-culture.org

European Integrity Games
This project gathers 6 European artistic companies to create a game experience on integrity VS corruption and fraud. Adapted as both Escape Games and 3D games, 7 topics related to integrity are tackled in a playful and educational way. The project is supported by Erasmus+ and the City of Paris, as part of the Paris-Europe Label.
The year 2022 is going to be intense with many actions planned to finish the project in August 2022!
The games (3D and Escape Games) on Blockchain and on Food Chains that were created in 2021, will be published very soon. The games on Frontex Files and Lobbying are being created and the design of the e-governance, Health Communication and Public service games will start at the end of March.
To test the games and then promote them, European workshops and events will be organised in the coming months. The games will then be published in free access so that all citizens can play them.
Finally, to end the project on a high note, big events will be organized by our European partners in Greece, Spain and Germany in July and August.
Site internet :

Trust Tour
The Trust Tour project is a European cultural project that proposes new tools using theatre and youth exchanges to question the relationships between Europe’s inhabitants and rebuild bonds of trust. Supported by Erasmus+, it gathers 4 European partners and is coordinated by La Transplanisphère.
The Trust Tour project is coming to an end and will be closed in March 2022!
Several events will be organised by the European partners to promote the project and the results: 3 events in France by La Transplanisphère, 2 events in Germany by KJT Dortmund, and finally 4 events in Italy by Teatro Rigodon and in Portugal by Ex Quorum.
The artistic methods developed by the partners will be published in open access between March and May, together with tutorial videos to illustrate them.
A final meeting with the partners will take place in March to close the project.
Trust Tour will nevertheless continue to live on through new projects designed in Europe using the methods created!
Website : trusttour.eu

Oratio Mix
Oratio Mix is a European cooperation project supported by Erasmus+ which gathers 12 artistic and school partners. The aim is to create pedagogical methods addressing the issues of intercultural dialogue, eloquence and public expression through artistic practice. These methods are open to the whole school spectrum and are accompanied by a knowledge-sharing platform, a survey on interculturality and eloquence and inter-class exchanges.
At the beginning of this year, the Oratio Mix methods are entering a new test phase!
Following a training session last November, the Oratio Mix workshops are now being conducted autonomously by teachers, from kindergarten to high school. In March, a group of students from the Sorbonne Nouvelle will complete an impact evaluation of the method, which will lead to the publication of the finalized methods in open access.
The survey on interculturality and eloquence in Europe will be published in February 2022 in the form of video capsules.
In order to offer an intercultural experience to the pupils and to test the method in immersion, two interclass exchanges, French-German and Portuguese-Italian, will also take place this year.
To promote the project, several events will then be organised in the 4 European countries of the project, including one during the Printemps des Arts at the Lycée Schweitzer, France.
The year 2022 also announces the beginning of Oratio Mix 93, a partnership with the Francas to open the project to popular education. An initiative supported by Agir In Seine Saint Denis.
From February, you will find all the news about the project on the new website of the project!
Website: oratiomix.com/

Europefiction gathers five theatres from the Ruhr region in Germany with five theatres from other European cities, with the aim of providing a space for young Europeans to question their future together, through artistic creation. Collaborations between young people take place throughout the year and are concluded by a great artistic summer camp.
The year 2022 announces the opening of a new europefiction season!
The young people accompanied by La Transplanisphère will create artistic performances that will be presented during the Printemps des Arts at the Lycée Schweitzer.
In addition, a big summer camp will take place from 9 to 16 July where the 150 European participants will create together and present their artistic performances.
Website: europefiction.org

Europefiction Academy
Based on the europefiction experience, this project aims to design and test 6 methodologies with new artistic strategies to convey the value of a democratic future. The aim is to offer a new space of expression and creation for young Europeans around political issues and art.
Since the end of 2021, Transplanisphere, ExQuorum and Hélios Theater have been creating their method of exploring migration through a digital prism. In March, Helios will test the method with an international group of young people. Two other methods are being created in parallel by the other partners. In April, training workshops on the methods will be organised by the partners.
Finally, the methods will be published in July and 3 new methods tackling artistic practice in urban space will then be created and finalised in 2023.

New projects in 2022
Remixing Value
The Remixing value project connects 16-to 18-year-olds youths from Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin through digital tools and artistic activities in the field of amateur theatre. Issues of representation, identity, prejudice, social norms and personal values are being explored through this project.
After the launch of the project in December 2021, one workshop per month will be carried out to foster co-creation using digital tools.
Several face-to-face workshops are being organised for the year 2022. A first meeting will take place in Paris from 19 to 23 February and will be followed by a second workshop in Berlin in April. A final encounter will take place in Amsterdam in August 2022 as part of the Kwaku Festival with a performance and presentation of the results of the whole project.

Creative Commune
The year 2022 also marks the launch of a new European project coordinated by La Transplanisphère: Creative Commune!
2021 celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune. A landmark example in European history rich in popular movements that created radical political upheavals.
The Creative Commune project echoes, in a contemporary form, the great European citizens’ movements that have marked the history of the continent and given rise to new democratic processes. By questioning these movements, it proposes a series of artistic and civic activities allowing Europeans to question together with the current issues.
This project aims to create two series of tools. The first series will explore historical episodes in Europe and extract the collaborative and creative aspects of them, to then formalise them into artistic methods. The second set will offer tools to create artistic productions from a debate and deliberation. This will allow any citizens’ association to make its voice heard in a creative and impactful way.

L’Air du Pollen (The Pollen Air)
La Transplanisphère takes part in the Air du Pollen project, conceived by the SAS, a Science-Art-Society group that aims to develop and promote arts-science projects at the University of Paris-Saclay.
L’Air du Pollen brings together scientific researchers, artists and school audiences. The aim is to become familiar with pollen grains that are microscopic to the human eye through an educational tour in parks and high schools to understand their fragility and to question their future. This tour will interact with the public and will highlight the emotions of the participants through sound and visual effects.
The project will be presented for the first time at La Nuit Blanche 2022 at the Commanderie d’Elancourt and in the park of the Lycée Schweitzer in Raincy.
Project supported by the Carasso Foundation.

Le Cake
In 2022, La Transplanisphère is further developing the Cake, a new type of European project.
Building on the experience developed over the past 12 years in cooperation with some thirty partners in Europe and around the world, this new approach will take up the challenges of climate change and digital transformation.
How can we cooperate differently by exploring new fields of cultural innovation that intersect art, education and citizenship? How can we try to create a different, more interdisciplinary and more participatory approach? This is the challenge of the Cake project. To be continued in 2022…
