Back to Nuit Blanche 2021 (Art night) at the Schweitzer High School
On Saturday, October 2, 2021, took place the 20th Nuit Blanche organized by the City of Paris. Transplanisphère participated for the first time in this artistic event, by organising an event in the Albert Schweitzer high school, Le Raincy (93).
In artistic residency for 3 years in the high school and in partnership with the SAS (Sciences-Art-Society), the company proposed to the inhabitants of Le Raincy an immersive journey in the heart of the school’s park: 4 hybrid and interactive works mixing art, digital, music and dreams were presented.
This artistic evening was a great success as more than 500 spectators came to attend the Nuit Blanche du Raincy. It was a rainy evening, but also a very joyful one!
The 4 works were a real success while arousing various emotions in the participants: between joy, discovery and questioning. All the works were presented in their best form to the delight of the public!
We would like to thank the students of the high school who were strongly involved in the realization and the success of the different works. We would also like to thank the high school’s staff who participated in the smooth running of this artistic night. Finally, thanks to our partners and supporters who made it possible to organise this beautiful evening and to offer a quality experience to the public.
Discover or rediscover the images of the event in video :

Concert under the Moon
The concert of the high school students

The Unknown of the Sun
Digital and artistic installation

Our 20's
Student theatre performance

Les Chemins du Rêve
Interactive audiowalk

Concert under the Moon
It was the great return on stage of the music classes of the Albert Schweitzer high school.
Under the direction of Stéphane Dietrich, more than 80 musicians and singers performed during a large open air concert.
In solo, duo or group, the young people played revisited classics and original compositions. Whether in Rap, Rock, Piano-voice or Ukulele, they were very inventive and brought a lot of energy, to the great pleasure of a dynamic audience.
We also had the visit of Haydar Dogan, a Turkish singer and resident of Raincy, who performed a few songs.
The audience was delighted with the diversity of styles and the energy developed by the performers! A big congratulations to the students for their great performances and the festive atmosphere they brought!
The Unknown of the Sun
A digital installation created by Ikse Maître – des Vues de l’esprit, as part of SAS (Sciences-Art-Society).
At nightfall, this artwork was revealed to the public and aroused the astonishment of the spectators, whether they were young or adults.
The Unknown of the Sun is a double curiosity. It sees us. It searches for the invisible. It maintains the constant dynamic of vision and the Sun.
She seeks the light, which carries the interaction, the extreme ultraviolet, the X-radiation, which quietly streams from the star and which we do not see. As if from the depths of an eye, this light translates on the surface the interior that we cannot grasp with our eyes.
Combining science, technology and imagination, the eye interacted with the audience throughout the evening. As it was revealed, the work illuminated the night, revealing the intense activity of the sun.
More information about the work here.
With the support of the Diagonale · Université Paris-Saclay.
Our 20's
Following the concert, the theatrical performance of “Nos années 20” took place. A production by Bruno Freyssinet, as part of the Oratio Mix project, which featured students from the school.
The stage was set in the heart of the school park, in a crossroads in the middle of the forest. The actors and actresses appear and disappear while their voices echo in the night, via WhatsApp vocals or snatches of conversations. All these words speak of our 1920s, the ‘roaring twenties’ for this new generation.
The audience, in the centre of the park, is taken for a ride by the thoughts that cross their minds, as if they were in the middle of an adolescent dream.
Les Chemins du Rêve
It was the launch of our audiowalk realised as part of the europefiction project!
An interactive audiowalk composed of 4 geolocated sound fictions in Raincy, created by students of the high school with Noémie Laurens Besace.
While the world is being turned upside down by numerous crises, the young generation of europefiction project has decided to take matters into their own hands and write the foundations of our new and changing societies!
Because dreaming is already creating, they have taken the city of Le Raincy, in Seine-Saint-Denis, as a backdrop to draw the mythology of our modern world, inspired by fairy tales and fantasy worlds.
If you live in Raincy, discover the world that the young generation is proposing for tomorrow!
It was also an opportunity to present the europefiction project to students and parents. The objective is to motivate new participants for a year rich in artistic creation, with the aim of participating in a big artistic summer camp in Germany next summer!
You can download the application and let yourself be taken on a sound and musical journey to discover Le Raincy as you have never seen it before.
Our 20's
Artistic collaboration: Noémie Laurens Besace and Camille Gaumont
Thanks to Sebastian Jung
Work created within the framework of the European project Oratio Mix, supported by the Erasmus+ programme Strategic Partnerships for Creativity and by the Ministry of Culture – Territorial residency for artists.
Les Chemins du Rêve
With : Cléo Sens, Sabrina Kachour, Michaël Altunay, Mamadou Diaby, Klara Rousseau, Hannah François, Camille Gaumont, Sophie Rabouan, Liselle Breda, Arthur Puklacki, Selma Cheikh BenCheikh, Othmane Benali, Florian Besace
Artistic direction: Noémie Laurens Besace, Ambrus Ivanyos (MeetLab)
Sounds and music : Philippe Thibault, Noémie Laurens Besace, Cléo Sens
Réalisation technique : Storydive
Editing : Fabian Klose
Audiowalk created in collaboration with young people of KJT-Dortmund (Germany) as part of the europefiction project. With the support of the OFAJ.
More info here.


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