Workshop Creative Commune #1 – Commune de Paris
The first Creative Commune workshop took place in mid-June at the Museum of Living History in Montreuil. The Transplanisphere brought together all the partners – Compagnie Dies Irae (FR), Association pour l’histoire vivante (FR), CT Cergy Paris Université (FR), ExQuorum (PT), Cofac Cooperativa de Formacao e Animacao Cultural CRL (PT), Teatro Rigodon (IT), Comune di Rocca Sinibalda (IT), Kulturinitiative Förderband (ALL) – around the theme of the common.
By coming together we wanted to define the term “common” in a reflective and creative way, combining artistic and historical notions.
In order to frame our week, we distinguished two axes of our method:
- Thematic reflection
- Artistic and creative research
Starting with the thematic reflection, each partner immersed themselves in these questions, both semantic and historical. These phases were punctuated by the intervention of Véronique Fau-Vincenti, a doctor of history and head of the collections at the Museum of Living History, which made us constantly go back and forth between our current ideas of commonality and those of the Paris Commune.
The retranscription of our ideas in different artistic forms allowed us to share more fluidly these four days of research, notably through a filmed gesticulated conference, but also – the Paris Commune had a very strong visual impact – through a communication campaign.

Our second Creative Commune workshop will take place in Italy in december, hosted by our partner Teatro Rigodon.
Introduction and presentation of the workshop
Presentation of the Creative Commune method
Semantic reflection
Historical reflection on the term 'common'
Historical reflection on orality during the Commune
Drafting of the final lines of thought
Brainstorming on creative transcriptions
Reflection in groups on the creations
Presentation of the various creations
Recording of the gesticulated conference
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