LeCAKE Train selected by the Seine Saint Denis’ call Agir

LeCAKE Train is led by a European consortium from Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy and Portugal. It is already supported by Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships and the Paris Europe Label.

The Call to Action selected the project for an action strand in Seine Saint Denis starting in September 2023.

Turning knowledge into practical action

For the record, LeCAKE Train began in October 2022 with research into ecological benchmarks: ODD, Green deal, Giec, etc. This research led to the design of workshop sequences designed to help people understand these benchmarks and turn them into concrete actions.

The project coordinator is inviting the citizens of Seine Saint Denis to share the European experience by applying to the Call to Action 2023. LeCAKE Train 93 will provide a methodological basis for workshops based on the SDGs and other reference frameworks, which will be tested with a range of audiences in Seine Saint Denis: schools, families, senior citizens, active citizens, etc.

Local and citizen projects

LeCAKE Train aims to help mobilise citizens to make the transition, not just from a personal point of view, but also for shared projects in local communities.

Faced with this collective challenge of transition, LeCAKE Train 93 proposes a multidisciplinary approach to learning, creation and transmission, built on dialogue between players in the cultural and educational sectors and citizens. With this in mind, the Seine Saint Denis region has been identified as the ideal location for this European project to be set up locally with local groups.

LeCake Train 93 will give us the space to write together the beginning of a desirable transition story. It will provide us with a shared knowledge base and a framework for creative action that will enable us to look towards new collective practices that are greener and carbon-free.

Workshop venues and audiences

  • Mandela College in Le Blanc-Mesnil, for a group of young college volunteers
  • The network of eco-delegates from the town of Le Raincy, linking Maternelle and Primaire des Fougères, Collège Corot and Lycée Schweitzer.
  • The seminar for school eco-delegates, organised by the département,
  • The Mairie de la Courneuve with the Conseil municipal des jeunes, for a public of young volunteers.
  • FAN, the municipal digital arts school in Rosny, for an intergenerational family audience
  • Les Francas 93, in Pantin, with a group of Young Isolated Minors as part of educational workshops
    The Museum of Living History in Montreuil, for senior citizens

European Partners


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