From 1 to 6 May, the LeCAKE consortium travelled to Italy, to Rieti and Rocca Sinibalda, the project’s associate partners. This was the first of four face-to-face meetings to be organised during the project (in Italy, France, Germany and Greece). Each partner joined the week in the Bel Paese with a trio made up of an experienced professional and two young ambassadors. It was…

From 19 to 22 February 2023, the O_live project workshop took place in Messolonghi, Greece. Teachers from Greece, France and Germany had the opportunity to test and learn together about the activities of the O_live method. Reminder of O_live project The project enables future citizens to exercise and defend their rights and responsibilities in society, to value diversity and to explore democracy in the…

Meet Olena Morentsova, a Ukrainian scriptwriter and content producer who joined La Transplanisphere for 3 months! During her stay, she had the opportunity to develop her new project Script Europa with the support of the company. She also participated in our Creative Commune project. In this interview, she talks about her experience at La Transplanisphere. Olena Morentsova – Shulyk is a scriptwriter and content…

The first Creative Commune workshop took place in mid-June at the Museum of Living History in Montreuil. The Transplanisphere brought together all the partners – Compagnie Dies Irae (FR), Association pour l’histoire vivante (FR), CT Cergy Paris Université (FR), ExQuorum (PT), Cofac Cooperativa de Formacao e Animacao Cultural CRL (PT), Teatro Rigodon (IT), Comune di Rocca Sinibalda (IT), Kulturinitiative Förderband (ALL) – around the…

On Saturday 1st October, La Transplanisphère invites you to the Nuit Blanche 2022 at the Lycée Albert Schweitzer, Le Raincy (93). For one evening, we propose an immersive and artistic journey through the school. You will discover 5 hybrid and interactive works mixing art, digital, music and reverie. As part of the 21st edition of this famous artistic event organised each year by the…

LeCake Train has been selected by Erasmus+ in July 2022. It will start in October for 2 years. It associates 8 partners from France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Greece and Portugal. LeCake is a European cultural innovation project which is part of the ecological transition. For two years, LeCake Train first objective is to mobilise 7 European cultural organisations associated with a think tank in an…

The Printemps des Arts week took place from 19 to 22 April at Lycée Albert Schweitzer ! As part of this annual arts festival, the company ran two workshops on the project Oratio Mix. Euro German classes from Collège Corot and the Schweitzer high school met and exchanged ideas around an exhibition. A visit of two classes of kindergarten and primary school was also…

Meet Mara Kalantzi, an artist from Greece, who has joined La Transplanisphere for 5 months! During her stay, she had the opportunity to design her new project O_live with the company’s support. She also participated in the European Integrity Games and Remixing value projects. In this interview, she shares her experience at the Transplanisphere and her new project. Mara Kalantzi lives in Nafplio, Greece.…

Remixing value is a theater exchange project with 30 young people from Paris-Rosny, Amsterdam and Berlin-Bernau (10 participants from each country) funded by OFAJ, Office Franco-German Youth Centre. The first face-to-face meeting take place in Paris-Rosny from 23 to 27 February 2022 with all participants. A tri-national intercultural project in Paris and Rosny to exchange and co-create. This tri-national project is mainly aimed at…